Grants and Awards
The Dunkirk City School District regularly seeks public and private funding in order to fulfill its mission of maximizing potential for all students, in all times...whatever it takes.
The Director of Special Programs and Grants identifies, applies for, secures, and monitors funding from federal and state government sources and private foundations. These may be entitlement funds or competitive grants. Grants may benefit the entire district, individual schools, and/or specific programs and last for one year or several years.
The District welcomes business/educational partnership opportunities to fund student educational initiatives. Please contact Corinna Hooge, Director of Special Programs and Grants, at if you are interested in pursuing a partnership opportunity.
New and Continuing Grants for the 2022-2023 School Year:
- Empire State Grant Funding for Afterschool Programming at the Elementary Schools: Establishes after-school programming for students in kindergarten through sixth (6th) grade.
- Expanded PreK Grant: Increases the availability of full-day, prekindergarten placements for three and four-year old children in community-based locations
- My Brother's Keeper Grant: Implements strategies aimed at improving the life outcomes for disadvantaged youth of color by providing after-school programming and support at the high school.
- Teachers of Tomorrow: Provides incentives that encourage prospective teachers to teach in a school district experiencing a teacher shortage or subject area shortage.
- School Improvement Grant (SIG): Helps to support school improvement efforts at identified Focus schools as well as district improvement as a Focus district.
- McKinney Vento Grant: This funding is to facilitate the improved attendance, engagement and academic success of homeless children and youth. Funds support activities that address the social-emotional needs, academic needs and physical and mental health needs of homeless children and youth.