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SAT & ACT Registration

ACT Fee and Fee Waiver Information

ACT Registration Fees

ACT (no writing): $52.00

     -includes reports for you, your high school, and up to 4 colleges (if codes are provided when you register).

ACT with writing: $68.00

     -includes everything that ACT with no writing includes.

     -the $16.00 writing test fee is refundable on written request if you are absent on test day or switch to ACT no writing before testing begins.


Additional Fees

Score reports for 5th and 6th college choices: $13 each

     -request online before the test date.

      refundable on written request if you do not test.

Late registration: $30.00

Test date change: $32.00

     -must pay basic registration fee and this one as well. Your basic registration fee, for the initially chosen test date, will be refunded.

     -if a date change is requested after the regular deadline for the new date, the basic registration fee, the test date change fee, and the late registration fee all must be paid.

Test center change (same test date): $32.00


Fee Waiver Coverage

The fee waiver covers the basic registration fee and late fee of the ACT (no writing) or the ACT with writing. It also includes 1 report to your high school and up to 4 college choices.

Fee waivers do not cover any additional fees, products, or services not previously stated.

If you are eligible, you may use a maximum of two seperate fee waivers total. The waiver is used once you register, even if you do not test on the requested test date.


Fee Waiver Eligibility

In order to receive a fee waiver, the student must meet all of the following requirements:

-be currently enrolled in high school in 11th or 12 grade.

-be a US citizen or test in the US, Us territories, or Puerto Rico.

-meet 1 or more of the following indicators of economic need listed below:

     -enrolled in federal free or reduced-price lunch program at school, based on USDA income levels.

     -enrolled in a program for the economically disadvantaged (if a student participates in the program but is not economically disadvantaged, they are not eligible for a fee waiver).

-resides in a foster home, is a ward of the state, or is homeless.

-family receives low-income public assistance or lives in federally subsidized public housing.

-family's total annual income is at or below USDA levels for free or reduced-price lunches (see table)

Number in household (including student)

Total Annual Income Before Taxes (in last calendar year)













Each additional member

Plus $7,733 each

In order to receive the fee waiver, contact your guidance counselor. You will not be able to receive it firectly from ACT.


Additional Information

Each fee waiver has a serial number printed in the top-right corner. Instructions for submitting the serial number online or returning the fee waiver form with a paper regristration are on the printed form under "How to Apply this Fee Waiver".

Students registering online must pay any fees not covered by the waiver with a credit card before submitting the registration.

Each request is valid only if it is properly completed and personally signed by both the student and a school official.


For any other questions, contact your guidance counselor or visit the ACT website.

SAT Fee and Fee Waiver Information

SAT Registration FEES

SAT without essay: $52.00**

SAT with essay: $68.00**

**Fee waivers are available to those that qualify.


Additional Fees

Change fee (change of test center or date): $30

  -Does not apply to changing between SAT w/o essay and SAT w essay; if adding essay, you pay the difference

Late registration fee (for registering after regular deadline but before late registration deadline): $30

Waitlist fee (charged only if you are admitted to the test center on test day): $53


Fee Waiver Eligibility

- 11th and 12th grade students who come from low-income families

-US citizen

-enrolled in/eligible to participate in National School Lunch Program (NSLP)

-annual family income falls within the Income Eligibility Guidelines set by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service

-enrolled in federal, state, or local program that aids students from low-income families

-family receives public assistance

-live in federally subsidized public housing or foster home, or are homeless

-ward of the state or an orphan


Fee Waiver Coverage

-registration fee for up to 2 SATs, with or without SAT Essay

-4 limited-time score reports plus 4 to use at any time

-4 college application fee waivers

-up to 8 CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE fee waivers to use to apply online to nonfederal financial aid from colleges, universities, professional schools, and scholarship programs, for free


How to Get a Fee Waiver

-talk to your guidance counselor to get help


How to Register with a Fee Waiver

-if it is online registration, enter the following information:

     -12-digit code (each code is godd for one regisration use only)

     -name of your guidance counselor

     -the way you qualified for the waiver

-if registering by mail, send the waiver card that includes this information along with your paper registration form

     -incomplete cards/forms will be mailed back

-fee waiver can be used during the late registration period

For any other questions, ask your guidance counselor or visit the CollegeBoard website.