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Library Information


For the Dunkirk School Library Media Center

         In support of the educational strategies of both the school and community to nurture successful and future-ready students and productive citizens, the mission of the Dunkirk High School Library Media Center is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information. Through leadership provided by the libraries staff and resources, combined with the collaboration of the school’s faculty and staff, students of this library are empowered to be lasting critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information.

Reading is a fundamental literacy skill. The development of recreational reading is the heart of an open and successful library environment. Librarians are committed to providing equitable access of resources in all formats for students and staff to connect, wonder, investigate, construct, express, and reflect as they grow and develop their personal and professional selves and interests. A librarian's goal is to ensure that the library's collection is curated for both the student's and staff's academic and recreational needs. In addition, we are committed to providing access to all forms of reading materials in accordance with the school's Collection Development Policy and the Library Bill of Rights. 

Librarians are also committed to providing future-ready experiences by providing a collaborative space for staff. Including, building instructional partnerships, empowering students as creators and seekers of information, and curating digital resources. Materials presented to students will be effective tools of their education, where they will learn how to be responsible users of information and effective researchers in the digital age. 

Based on the principles established by the American Association of School Librarians Standards, the New York State Standards, the American Library Association's Bill of Rights, and the Dunkirk School District Curriculum. 

Last updated 09/02/2019 



In progress, coming soon! 



American Library Association's Bill of Rights:

New York State Education Department: School Library Media Program Evaluation 

American Association of School Library Standards